Everyone Is Making Their Own Planner or Journal
In this fast-paced world it can seem like everyone is doing everything, The busyness and the noise of social media can be so loud that you think all of your ideas are all ready out there and that there is no point in pursuing your goals. I love seeing people being creative and it's great to see people acting on their goals and bringing their planner and journal vision into the world however, all are not equal or the same as other ideas.
When I say all are not equal this relates to the quality of design, I've seen some that have been rushed and really not considered, is this ok? Well, that depends on how you want to show up in this world and if you want your planner or journal to sell. It has a massive impact on sales if you don't create something that is useful, and satisfying to use but also beautiful.
You are unique! Your ideas are going to turn out different than other people's because you and your life experiences are behind them. Don't think there isn't any room for you to shine your light into the world because that is simply not true. Even if you decide to create something that was on the exact same theme or topic as someone else it would still turn out differently.
If you pair your uniqueness with a commitment to executing your project well then you are something that will be a winning formula. A lot of people think they can throw something together without much thought and it will be successful, and when this doesn't work they move on to the next thing. If you have a purpose, a passion, and an eye for detail and you are willing to go through the process you will have something that will be successful.
Focus on yourself, your goals, and what you want to achieve, don't let the noise of the online world put you off. When you start focusing and believing in yourself undoubtedly everything will move differently you will no longer notice the noise around you.
If you need a nudge in the right direction and a process to follow, here is the link to my book The Ultimate Guide To Planner And Journal Design click here. This is like someone guiding you the way through your design journey.